Monday, September 16, 2024

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God’s Expectations From The Church

God’s Expectations From The Church


There are quarrels (bones of contentions) among pastors and pastors; it exists between the youths and church deacons or church leaders.

As for ministries, there are many of that that exists between them.

This kind of “Church,” God cannot become a role model for, for as we know, He is a God who walks in love, and instils love wherever He goes. Christ said to us that, the ONLY WAY WE ALL can be known (identified) as His disciples is to walk in nothing but love, and therefore He had demonstrated that by giving His life on the Cross (which is the way if laying down His life for us (The Church.)

Moreso, to be his disciples or to exemplify His Life, this was exactly why He gave us a simple commandment, which is the only one given to the New Testament Church:


“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35 KJV


Therefore, this is the highest heights (expectation) that must be attained by an average child of God, despite your medals or status. Without this, you are not so well trusted (recognized), by the Dear One, who is our LORD. Therefore, these spirits of unforgiveness and the bone of contentions must be stopped.

Sure-This Is The Highest Height We Are To Attain- And This Is Truly To Walk In Love To Become The Perfect Spirit Of A God-Infused Disciple.

It Takes All The Stress From Us And Keeps Us Bound Within His Love.


May God be with you.


Thank You.


Prince Akogo
Prince Akogo
Prince Kafui, is a prophet, who God started revealing this insightful information to since He was called into ministry in the year 2006. We’re Glad You Came.


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